Surah An Najm

Quran Chapter 53

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.

1By the star as it falls.

2Your friend is neither misguided nor deceived.

3Nor does he speak out of inclination.

4It is but a revelation revealed.

5Taught to him by the one intense in strength.

6Endowed with wisdom; He positioned Himself.

7While he was at the uppermost horizon.

8Then he approached and descended.

9And was at the distance of two bow lengths, or even nearer.

10Then He revealed to His servant what He revealed.

11The heart didn’t lie about what it saw.

12Will you dispute with him over what he saw?

13And he certainly saw him in another descent.

14At the Lote Tree of the Ultimate Boundary.

15Besides it is the Garden of Refuge.

16When the Lote Tree was shrouded by what shrouded it.

17The sight didn’t swerve, nor did it overstep.

18Indeed, he did see, of the Greatest Signs, of his Lord.

19Did you consider al-Lat and al-Uzza?

20And Manat, the third one, the other?

21So for you the male and for Him the female?

22What a bizarre distribution!

23These are nothing but names you named—you and your forefathers—without any authorization from God. They follow nothing except assumption and what the souls desire, even though guidance did come to them from their Lord.

24Or is man to have whatever he desires?

25But to God belong the afterlife and the first.

26How many angels there are in the heavens, whose intercession would not benefit at all, except after God gives permission for whom He wills and approves.

27Those who don’t believe in the Hereafter give the angels female names.

28They don’t know of this. They follow not except assumption, and assumption avails not against the truth at all.

29So turn away from whoever turns his back on Our message and desires nothing but the worldly life.

30That’s the extent of their knowledge. Your Lord knows best who strays from His path and who is guided.

31To God belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth—so He may recompense those who commit evil according to their deeds, and reward those who do good with the best.

32Those who avoid major sins and immoralities—except for minor lapses—your Lord is vast in forgiveness. He knew you well, ever since He produced you from the earth, and when you were embryos in your mothers’ wombs. So don’t claim yourselves pure; He knows best who is righteous.

33Did you see the one who turns away?

34And gives a little, then withholds?

35Does he possess knowledge of the unseen, giving him vision?

36Or wasn’t he informed of what’s in the scriptures of Moses?

37And of Abraham, who fulfilled?

38That no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another.

39And that man attains only what he strives for.

40And that his striving will soon be seen.

41Then, he will be rewarded for it with the fullest reward.

42And that to your Lord is the finality.

43And that it is He who causes laughter and weeping.

44And that it is He who causes death and gives life.

45And that it is He who created the two pairs—male and female.

46From a sperm-drop when it is emitted.

47And that upon Him lies the Second Genesis.

48And that it is He who enriches and causes want.

49And that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius.

50And that it is He who destroyed the first Aad.

51And Thamud, and He didn’t spare anyone.

52And the people of Noah before—they were even more unjust and transgressive.

53And collapsed the ‘Overturned City’.

54Then He covered it with what He covered.

55So, which of your Lord’s marvels will you deny?

56This is a warning, just like the previous ones.

57The impending event is drawing near.

58None other than God can reveal it.

59Are you amazed by this discourse?

60And do you laugh and not weep?

61And you remain proudly indifferent?

62So bow down before God, and worship!